Watch Liz Hansen’s TEDx
Arlington Heights talk

Nudity Doesn’t Have to Be Naughty

Liz Hansen’s viral TEDx Arlington Heights Speech - Nudity Doesn’t Have to Be Naughty

Meet Liz Hansen: Speaker at the TEDx Arlington Heights Conference

In 2018, Liz Hansen opened up the Chicago Boudoir Photography studio and quickly grew it to 1 million dollars a year in revenue.

Wanting to share her systems and processes, she created the Million Dollar Studio Program, a coaching and education platform that helps photographers run the business of their dreams!

The program includes 250+ recorded videos and weekly live classes on sales, marketing, email automations, posing, shooting, ads, running a VIP group and much more.

Liz loves helping boudoir and portrait photographers streamline their business to make more money - a LOT more money!

TEDx Arlington Heights Conference Theme

Light a Fire

Light a spark that catches fire; that creates change, a movement.

Fan a flame that burns boldly and brightly to light the way.

Burn it down to start anew.

What it’s really like to give a TEDx talk!

Read my behind-the-scenes experience of applying for, preparing for and giving a TEDx talk πŸ‘‡