Millionaire in the Making: Success story with Paula Luu from Paula N. Luu Photography

Paula of Paula N. Luu Photography is in Houston, TX and shoots fashion editorial style portraits, branding, seniors and families. In 2015, after successfully establishing herself as a private music teacher, she started to feel a creative restlessnesses. Her husband suggested photography since he saw how she enjoyed taking artistic pictures of people and nature with her iPhone. He gave her a digital camera and she was hooked on mastering portrait photography.

One day, one of her students needed a headshot for their audition to New York broadway and film school, so she was asked to take it for her. The next thing she knew she was helping others with their portraits and winning awards for her portrait work. Since the beginning of her photographer career she knew she only want to do fashion style portrait photography. She loves working with each lady one on one to help reveal their essence and wow them with their images.

Since joining the Million Dollar Studio Program, Paula has had some major business wins!

⚡She has quit her day job to go ALL IN on photography

⚡ She is regularly making $4K and $5K+ sales

⚡ She has implemented processes and strategies to reduce the amount of time spent with each client to increase her sales!

I interviewed Paula live about her success since joining the Million Dollar Studio Program and how this kind of success is possible for you too!

Paula’s story is super inspirational if you are thinking about making the leap to going full time into photography and getting those BIG business wins! Watch Paula’s full interview below!

Tell us a bit about the story of your photography business: Where are you located? What do you shoot? How did you get started? What are you up to now?:
I’m in Houston TX. I shoot fashion editorial style of portraits, branding, senior and family.

Back in summer of 2015, after successfully establishing myself as private music teacher in the Houston community, I started to feel a creative restlessnesses. I wanted to tap into another side of my creativity that had not been explored. My husband suggested photography since he saw how I enjoyed taking artistic pictures of people and nature with my iPhone. He gave me digital camera so it could be a hobby. After the first day of playing with it, I exchanged the $500 camera and upgraded to a $3000 professional camera. It was an amazing experience; I was hooked on photographing people. I start devoting my time to learning and mastering everything about portrait photography.

Then one day one of my students needed a headshot for their audition to New York broadway and film school, so she asked if I could take it for her. Then the next thing I know I was helping others with their portraits and winning awards for my portrait work. Since I was a child I was always known to be the best dresser and fashionista so lots of my friends and family will ask me for help styling them for events or photoshoots. So it makes sense that all of my portrait sessions include a styling consultation to help prepare the ladies for their photoshoot. Since the beginning of my photographer career I knew I only want to do fashion style portrait photography. I love working with each lady one on one. I love how I can help reveal their essence and wow them with their images. As a child, we often play dress up. So why did we stop? Why did suddenly as an adult we stop taking time to imagine ourself in different perspectives or just simply feel beautiful and be pampered. This is why I opened my portrait business.

What is one way that your photography business has grown since you joined the Million Dollar Studio Program?:

Since joining Million Dollar Studio program my average sale went from $2800 to $5000. I now also have a solid system from getting leads to nurturing, workflow, follow up and google reviews. As my clients describe my process is seamless, comfortable and fun.

What do you consider your biggest success since joining the Million Dollar Studio Program?:
Having higher average sale and efficient workflow systems

What mindset changes have you made in recent months?:
I joined back in April after hearing Liz talk about how she alone as the photographer in her business made millions dollar a year with the same day sale. I could never imagine doing either of those things until I joined the program. Now I see that goal is very achievable.

What are you most excited about in the future of your photography business?:
I am aiming to make a quarter of million this year. Over half million in 2024 and 1 million before I turned 40 which is April 2025

What fears or hesitancies did you have before you joined the Million Dollar Studio Program?:
How to make that much money without burn out and over work? And if this course will be any different than other courses I have brought.

Is there anything else that you would like to share? Something that might be inspiring to others?:
I truly am thankful for Liz sharing her experience and being very supportive cheer leader throughout this whole step. All of the small gifts that I received throughout the program always seemed to come at the exact timing when I needed the extra encouragement.

Joining this program has really change my mindset about money. I am getting incredibly good at manifesting and attracting money and proud to say I am money magnet. I am good at what I do and my clients are willing to fly drive all over to be photographed by me and happy to pay me over. So this course to me is worth every penny. Pretty much pay for itself at my first order session.


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