How to Celebrate Your Business Success

It is REALLY important to celebrate business successes to keep your business running. It’s not selfish — keeping your energy, your attitude and mindset are SO important to your business success — and NO ONE else is going to celebrate FOR you!

I went live in the Million Dollar Studio Facebook group to talk about how to celebrate your business success. Take a look below!

Read the auto-generated transcript of the video below:

hey good morning guys Liz Hansen here

from million dollar

Studio it's been a little bit of a

morning for me um my laptop is not

letting me get on Facebook so I'm on my

phone so let me know if you can see or

hear me also I had to get um some

stitches on my forehead so I've got a

Band-Aid on my forehead so just ignore

that um today I want to talk to you

about celebrating business success and

I'd love to hear your thoughts and

comments ments um as we go so drop them

in the comment section below I think it

is really really important to celebrate

business successes I'm going to tell you

some reasons why and then I'm going to

give you seven times I think it's

important to celebrate and seven ways

that I think that it would be um that I

think are good ways to celebrate your

business hey it's great to see you on sh

great to see you on Ray love having you

here this morning so okay why should you

celebrate business wins so first off if

you're watching this video you're

probably a solo preneur right like you

are just one person running your

business and that means that you are the

engine of your business you are what is

making the business run and because of

that your energy your attitude your

mindset is so important important to how

the business runs and to its business

success so celebrating your wins and

celebrating your business

successes is really really key to

keeping your business running it's not

selfish it's not um you know just some

extraneous thing keeping your energy up

and your mindset good is key to running

that photo business okay so um the other

thing is that no one else is going to

celebrate business WI wins for you okay

um running a business in a lot of ways

is like being a parent I don't know if

you have kids if you do I'd love to hear

about it I got kids and you know no one

really tells you you're doing a good job

when you're a parent right no one says

like you know no you don't get a report

card you don't get a performance review

you don't get gold stars right you just

have to internally know and figure out

if you're doing a good job as a parent

running a business is sort of a

right no one's going to come up to you

and be like wow good job entrepreneur no

one's going to give you an award no

one's going to give you a report card or

a gold star right so if you're a

solopreneur an entrepreneur a photo um

business owner you are in charge of

celebrating your wins because no one

else is going to do it for you okay so

let me tell you seven times that I think

that it is worth celebrating something

in your business all right um here they

are number one booking your first client

all right if you are new to running a

business new to photography that first

time you book a paying client the first

time you run a credit card the first

time someone pays an invoice you should

absolutely celebrate that all right um

in in the same vein I believe that you

should celebrate booking a client in a

new genre so let's say you've been

photographing families but you book your

first wedding let's say you photograph

um uh Weddings But you book your first

budoir client celebrate that okay

celebrate a client in a new

genre um I believe you should celebrate

your first sale over $500 your first

sale over $11,000 your first sale over

$1,500 any Milestone that you hit in

terms of sales celebrate those similarly

hitting a monthly Revenue number okay so

your first a month hitting $5,000 your

first month hitting $8,000 your first

month hitting $110,000

$20,000 celebrate those monthly Revenue

wins all

right um I think you should celebrate

taking a photo that you really love

really nailing something maybe you've

been working on taking a dark and dark

and Moody pictures cuz you've always

been taking light and bright ones and

you finally feel like you nailed it and

got some something that you really love

celebrate that moment of artistic um you

know achievement that you created a

picture that you really really love um I

think you should celebrate when you

Outsource something so if you hire

someone to do your editing or take your

phone calls or do some of your social

media celebrate the fact that you are

growing your business through

Outsourcing and then number seven I

would celebrate getting some good

reviews testimonials do you have your

first five star Google review your fifth

five star Google review what about

number 10 what about your fifth video

testimonial that you have on your site

okay so those are seven things that I

think are absolutely worth celebrating

let me tell you them to you one more

time booking your first client booking

your first client in a new genre your

first sale over $500 over $11,000 over

$1,500 hitting a monthly Reven Vue

number taking a photo that you love

Outsourcing something or getting reviews

and testimonials those are seven things

that I think are absolutely worth

celebrating I'd love to hear what else

you would put on that list of business

um achievements or Milestones that you

think are worth

celebrating okay and then let me tell

you some ways that I think it is

valuable to celebrate your business

to make sure that you tell yourself and

your brain and your people around you

that what you are doing is

valuable and you are successful if you

don't celebrate no one else will do it

for you okay so some ways that you can

celebrate my number one tip is to say

thank you all right say thank you to the

people around you whove helped create

that success and say thank you to

yourself for the work that you've done

and say thank you to your clients and to

the universe for the success that has

come to you all right so I love the

Mantra thank you more please all right

so I love if I have a good sale or a

good client or a good month or a good

year if I take a photo that I love I

love saying thank you more please more

just like that please thank you when you

Express gratitude to yourself to those

around you to your clients to the


a Heart full of gratitude will attract

more success okay and gratitude I mean

even scientifically gratitude has been

shown to lift our spirits to make us

feel better to uh make us more open to

those around us so I believe any

business success any celebration of

business success should start with

expressions of

gratitude all right um You Might uh use

gratitude you might vocally say thank

you you might write down in a gratitude

Journal you might uh write some thank

yous on social media or on email however

it feels good to you start any business

celebration with an expression of

gratitude and a thank

you all right um I I really really

believe in gratitude I really really

believe in expressing especially

gratitude to our clients clients who

come in for a photo shoot you know they

have put a lot of trust in us they pay

us money they keep our business going

and I love honoring and thanking clients

for coming in and being a part of my

business so Express Thanks often to your

clients and those around you who make

your business run okay that's my number

one thing about celebrating business

success is gratitude all right next some

other things you can do to celebrate

business wins you can buy yourself or

treat yourself you can buy yourself

something or treat yourself to something

all right so you might treat yourself to

a massage you might treat yourself

to going out to a restaurant or buying

yourself something that you wanted when

you have success in your business and it

brings abundance and money and time and

freedom into your life take a moment to

enjoy that and celebrate it um my story

on this when I first started I um opened

up a budoir studio

with nothing nothing no website no

clients no email list no portfolio I

really started at Ground Zero and in

fact I started out in debt because I

took $25,000 loan out to start my

business and I got started working and I

worked every single day full-time waking

up early staying up late lots of Sweat

and Tears for 19 months before I was

able to pay myself

$1 that's because even though I clients

coming in and paying me every single

dollar that I brought on I was having to

use to pay to keep the business going

right I had to buy furniture and

software and Studio samples and lights

and cameras and all the things so I just

wasn't able to pay myself even $1 for

the first 19 months of running my

business and that was that was hard

right because it was hard to kind of

keep my energy up and my excitement up

about the business uh with without a

paycheck right I mean I could see the

money coming in and I knew that

eventually this was going to work out

but it didn't happen overnight right so

I was working full-time every day for 19

months before I paid myself $1 so I came

home I realized after 19 months that I

was going to be able to pay myself a

little bit for the very first time I

came home really excited from the studio

I said to my husband guess what I'm

going to be able to pay myself a a

little bit this

month I think maybe we should put it in

the ira or maybe I should buy something

new for the studio or whatever and he

said no I really think you should buy

something for yourself and I was like

for myself no like we got to keep

putting this into the business making

the business grow and he's like he said

I really think you should buy yourself a

physical like momentto a gift that says

to yourself I did it I made some money

I'm successful

and so I took his advice I went and

bought a Kate Spade purse I'd never it

wasn't that expensive I think it was

like $99 but I had never owned you know

a handbag that wasn't just from Target

or Walmart and I still use that purse

every day and it has become to me a

symbol of you know my ability to

generate money generate wealth through

my budoir photography studio business

and that was the best advice my husband

could have given me because by buying

myself that purse I told myself and my

mindset my spirit this is working you

are creating good things in your

business many more good things will come

and I'm so glad that I celebrated that

moment with that physical gift to myself

so that I can always remember those 19

months that I worked to get the business

started where I didn't make any money

and then finally being able to turn a

profit so I recommend thinking about

something like that that you can do for

yourself maybe it's not a purse but

maybe it's something else that you can

all always remember what to have to hold

something physical to remember your

business successes and to celebrate them


right okay so another way okay so first

gratitude number two buying yourself or

treading your sales to something another

something you can do is you can do

something on social media as a

celebration of your business so you have

followers you have people who are

watching what you're doing and if you

have a big business success you can sell

celebrate on social media now I probably

don't go on social media and just be

like oh my gosh I made so many sales

today but what I what I do love to do

for example on the fifth anniversary of

my um business being open I bought a

giant five balloon I took pictures I

gave stuff away I said thank you to

everyone and I had a big virtual 5year

anniversary party and it was all on

Facebook and Instagram and Tik Tok like

I didn't actually have people come to my

studio but I made a big deal to

celebrate the fifth anniversary of my

business I wanted people to know that

I'd been in business for a while that I

was successful that I had a lot of

experience and I wanted to celebrate so

I just did that online with my big five

balloon and that was really really fun

all right another thing you can do to

celebrate business success is to donate



um when you have business success and

abundance and money is coming into your

life it is so fantastic if you're able

to give

back I remember I love listening to NPR

my local uh national public radio

station and you know all the time

they're asking for

money you know they get on they do those

fall uh fundraising fundraising drives

the winter fundraising drives the spring

fundraising drives all those things and

I would listen to those year after year

and I remember always thinking man I

can't really afford it doesn't feel like

I have that in the budget to give to the

public radio station but someday I want

to someday I want to feel like I have

enough money and enough space in my

budget and enough abundance to give back

to my local public radio station because

I listen to them every day and I really

love what they do so I was really

excited for the first time when I had

some business

success um my business started making

some money I became a member of my local

NPR station and I signed up and I gave

them money and I got them mug in the

mail and all the things and I was so

grateful in that moment to celebrate my

business success by giving back to my

local public uh radio station and

interestingly um the the radio station

called me and they were like hey we're

just interviewing firsttime donors and

asking why they decided to give this

year and and I was so excited to share

with them my story about how for years

I'd always told myself that when I had

some business success I would give back

to the radio station by giving money and

so I was even able to share my story on

the radio of becoming a member for the

first time so that just felt really

really good to be able to take my

business success and the money that IID

owned and give back in a small way to my

local radio station that I really love

and appreciate so a great way to

celebrate of course is to give back um

another thing to

do is to take a day off right sometimes

as entrepreneurs as solopreneurs as

photographers we don't have good

boundaries around our businesses in the

sense that like no one's telling you

when to take a day off no one's telling

you to take vacation no one's telling

you when to log off at night there's

always more work to be done on the

business there's an infinite amount of

work that can be done and it can be

really really hard to take a break I

know that this is hard for me maybe some

of you were saying oh I take breaks all

the time that's not hard for you but

some of you might be a little bit have a

little bit of that workaholic tendency

and you just want to keep work work work

work work work work but as you know

overwork will lead to burnout which is

ultimately not good for your business

so if you have a moment where you feel

like you have some success you have a

great sale you have a great month you

achieved a milestone in your business

take a day off shut off that laptop tell

everyone you're out of the office and do

something that is completely unrelated

to the business spend some time in

nature get a massage really try to

recharge not think about the business

and really give your some time yourself

some time to relax and rebuild your

energy and you'll come back stronger to

keep working on your business

okay and then my last um piece of advice

for how to celebrate your business

success is to create a tangible

reminder okay your photographers your

visual people like me maybe celebrating

your Vis your business success looks

like coloring in blocks on a chart

showing um your revenue for the year

maybe celebrating your business success


like putting together pictures of things

that you have done in your business and

things you have achieved and putting

them on a bulletin board so you can

visually look at your

success um I know I heard a tip uh from

a coach one time who said that when

you're going into a situation um if you

can imagine in your brain before you go

in other times that you have had success

you will prime your brain and your

spirit for more success so what I love

to do is keep a list or pictures or a

book of times when I feel like I did

something well when I succeeded so that

in moments when I need to find a little

bit of confidence or success I can go

back to that list or that board or that

book and remind myself of times when I

achieved when I was successful and it it

reminds me of my strength and my ability

to go forward and do that more so I

recommend creating some kind of visual

maybe you handr write a list sometimes

handwriting is better than typing to

kind of really feel things maybe it's

creating um little sticky notes of times

when you did well and created success

and keeping them on a big board um

whatever it is that for visually for you

reminds you of your success shanana just

shared that she bought her first Coach

purse when she had some success I love

that yes buying something tangible to

remind yourself will feed your fuel of

your engine to keep that that business

going exactly okay so just to recap um

ways that you can celebrate your

business wins first off Express

gratitude say thank you to yourself to

your clients to the universe for the

success that has come your way number

two buy yourself

something um whether it's that handbag

whether it's that massage whether it's

that new pair of shoes when you feel the

success you can create more success I

love especially buying something that

you can use all the time like that purse

like a pair of earrings or something

that you can every day be like these are

my success earrings this reminds me of

my ability to create a successful

business okay um number three buy

something for the business I think I

skipped over this the first time through

buy something for the business okay this

might be investing in um some education

in a course in a mentor this might be a

new backdrop this might be an upgraded

laptop so you can work faster if you buy

something for your business with your

business success that will create even

more success for you maybe that's a new

software subscription that will help you

uh Outsource things

maybe it's that lens that you've been

wanting to create a different kind of

image okay so buying something for the

business can be a fantastic way to


success um number four throw a social

media celebration so let your followers

know know that you're celebrating buy

some balloons make it a big thing go


okay um number six donate to charity

give back find a way to take your

success and lift someone else up help

someone else achieve their

dreams um and number eight create

something visual visual or tangible to

celebrate your success like a mood board

like a success book something that will

will help remind you of all the success

that you have had Ray says I'm going to

take a full spa day when I hit my first

fully booked month I love that I love

that you already know what you're going

to do celebrate and that you're working

towards that that's fabulous by the way

if you're just joining me and you're

wondering what's up with my face I just

have a Band-Aid I had to get a few

stitches on my forehead I'm fine but

anyway that's why I got this going on

this morning um so yeah let me know in

the comments let me know if you have

celebrated your business success es and

if so how did you do it and how did it

make you feel I know that I had a little

bit of resistance in the beginning to

celebrating my business success

because somehow it felt to me a little

bit selfish or a little bit unnecessary

or I don't know I think sometimes

especially as women we are socialized

and brought up to believe that it is

maybe a little bit growth to celebrate

ourselves or maybe just like a little

bit like

impolite um but what I believe is that

when we celebrate our successes we can

bring more abundance light wealth and

energy to our own lives and in there and

thereby lifting other people up as well

self-care is not selfish celebrating

your business wins is not gross it is

necessary to continuing your business

and keeping your energy up you are the

energy and the battery of your business

and when you recharge and give back to

yourself you will be able to grow your

business even more so thanks for tuning

in today I'm Liz Hansen from the million

dooll studio if you want to know more

about how to grow your business into a

million doll per year business send me a

com comment or a DM I read everything

that comes into me and I'd love to hear

about working with you if you're looking

for a business Mentor or coach and I'd

love to also hear about your business

wins and celebrations so drop me a note

leave a comment and we will see you next

week thanks for joining guys

English (auto-generated)

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